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Fresh Produce

Photo of Spinach Bunch

Spinach Bunch

$3.95 each

Photo of Snow Peas Loose

Snow Peas Loose

$18.90 per kg

Photo of Snow Pea Sprouts

Snow Pea Sprouts 100g

$3.55 each

Photo of Snake Beans Kg

Snake Beans Kg

$14.90 per kg

Photo of Silverbeet Bunch

Silverbeet Bunch

$4.90 each

Photo of Shitake Mushroom

Shitake Mushroom 100g

$5.95 each ($5.95 per 100g)

Photo of Shiitake Mushrooms

Shiitake Mushrooms

$49.90 per kg

Photo of Shearwater Mixed Sprouts

Shearwater Mixed Sprouts 125g

$3.20 each ($2.56 per 100g)

Photo of Shearwater Bean Shoots

Shearwater Bean Shoots 250g

$2.50 each ($1.00 per 100g)

Photo of Shearwater Alfalfa Sprouts

Shearwater Alfalfa Sprouts

$3.20 each ($2.56 per 100g)

Photo of Shearwater Alfalfa & Radish

Shearwater Alfalfa & Radish 125g

$3.20 each ($2.67 per 100g)

Photo of Shearwater Alfalfa & Broc

Shearwater Alfalfa & Broc 125g

$3.20 each ($2.56 per 100g)

Photo of Shallots


~ $1.09 each ($10.90 per kg)

Photo of Salad Onions White

Salad Onions White

$6.90 each

Photo of Sage Bunch

Sage Bunch

$4.90 each

Photo of Sage Bunch

Sage Bunch

$4.90 each

Photo of Rubigold Apples

Rubigold Apples

~ $1.03 each ($4.90 per kg)

Photo of Rosemary Bunch

Rosemary Bunch

$4.90 each

Photo of Rosemary Bunch

Rosemary Bunch

$4.90 each

Photo of Rockmelon Whole

Rockmelon Whole

$4.90 each

Photo of Rhubarb bunch

Rhubarb bunch

$4.95 each

Photo of Red Onion Net

Red Onion Net 1kg

$3.45 each

Photo of Red Cabbage

Red Cabbage

$5.90 each

Photo of Red & White Sweet Potato

Red & White Sweet Potato

~ $3.45 each ($6.90 per kg)

Photo of Radish Microgreens

Radish Microgreens

$4.80 each

Photo of Radicchio


$6.95 each

Photo of Radicchio


$6.95 each

Photo of R2E2 Mangoes

R2E2 Mangoes

$3.90 each

Photo of Punnet Of Raspberries

Punnet Of Raspberries 125g

$3.90 each ($3.12 per 100g)

Photo of Potatoes Kennebec

Potatoes Kennebec

$3.95 per kg

Photo of Potatoes Dutch Cream Loose

Potatoes Dutch Cream Loose

~ $0.88 each ($4.90 per kg)

Photo of Potatoes Dutch Cream

Potatoes Dutch Cream 10kg

$15.90 each

Photo of Potatoes Cocktail

Potatoes Cocktail 1kg

$3.95 each ($3.95 per kg)

Photo of Potatoes Bismark

Potatoes Bismark

~ $0.91 each ($4.90 per kg)

Photo of Pomegranate


$7.95 each

Photo of Plums


~ $0.64 each ($9.90 per kg)

Photo of Pinkeyes Brushed

Pinkeyes Brushed

~ $1.47 each ($4.90 per kg)

Photo of Pink Lady Apples

Pink Lady Apples

~ $1.03 each ($4.90 per kg)

Photo of Pineapple Half

Pineapple Half

$2.95 each

Photo of Pineapple


$5.50 each

Photo of Peas Loose

Peas Loose

$11.90 per kg

Photo of Pea Shoots

Pea Shoots

$4.80 each

Photo of Paw Paw Half

Paw Paw Half

$3.00 each

Photo of Paw Paw Full

Paw Paw Full

$5.90 each ($5.90 per kg)

Photo of Passionfruit


$1.50 each

Photo of Parsnip


~ $1.78 each ($9.90 per kg)

Photo of Parsley Italian

Parsley Italian

$2.95 each ($2.95 per kg)

Photo of Parsley Bunch

Parsley Bunch

$2.90 each

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